What’s the difference between a modern electric radiator and the old heaters your grandfather used on cold days? How much does it really consume and how much will I pay on the bill at the end of the month? Will I manage to assemble it myself? Tired of technical data and mysterious norms?
Don’t worry, I will simply explain how these new products work. The Towel Radiator simply helps you save money because it provides heat where, how and when you need it.
The new towel radiators work by dispersing the heat in the low temperature environment, favoring the radiated heat, like that of the sun, which warms and gives comfort when needed. You will no longer have your feet frozen like with old electric heaters. With lower electrical consumption you will have high thermal comfort. Towels and bathrobes will always be dry and warm.
Want to increase your savings even more? You can do this thanks to the weekly schedule: the radiator will turn on a few minutes before the sound of your alarm clock and you will find the bath hot when you need it, not when you are in the office or walking with the dog. And if you get up later on the weekend, the schedule will always make you find the right temperature in the bathroom.
Do you have children and are you afraid of that they can play and change the parameters of the programming? Don’t worry, the thermostat, like your smartphone, can be locked with a “pin” code.
But how much will it cost me in electricity?
Well, it’s not easy to figure out the price of electricity on the bill. Raw material expenditure, transport costs, meter expenses, time slots, system charges and tax … I advise you to do so<sup>1</sup>: take the last bill and divide the total to be paid for the consumption billed. You will see that you will have about from 0.20 to 0.25 Euro/kilowatt hour <sup>2</sup>. What does that mean? If you turn on, thanks to the programmable thermostat, a 500 Watt radiator two hours a day in the winter you will find yourself paying about 1.75 to 1.40 Euro per week more electricity. Comfort costs little more than a coffee!
Did you think more? If you have photovoltaic panels and use the same energy you produced (instead of reselling it to the operator at a very low price !) then the cost will be even lower.
Do you have another central heating system in the bathroom? In this case consumption is drastically reduced, the Towel Radiator will only serve to dry towels and increase environmental well-being.
The installation is very easy, but keep in mind that you will have to respect the distances from any water splashes, you can not put it over the bathtub or too close to the sink. This is dictated by safety rules. In short, you will have to comply with the measures clearly illustrated on the drawing in the manual.
1 The method is approximate not taking into account fixed costs and variable costs, but sufficient for an indication useful to the forecast of costs.
2 Indicative figure based on the resident domestic rate, contractual power 3 kW bi-hourly of the National Electric Service ( Service of greater protection), average household consumption of 4 people.